Frequently Asked Questions


This simply means the entire time dedicated to the CE item has not yet elapsed. This is especially true with the written portions of a class. You may read faster then the average person. You may have printed off the article and only displayed it for a short time. The article must be viewed for the amount of time listed in the course overview page as the active window on your device in order for the time parameters to be satisfied. Review a little more and try again. Make sure to take notes.

CAPCE requires course records be submitted quarterly. We currently submit courses monthly. Providing you or your employer submitted your NREMT number to us during registration, you should see your course records at the beginning of the month following the month you completed the course in. In the meantime you have the fully acceptable completion certificate.

We do not report class completions for Ohio, Texas and Indiana customers not going through CAPCE. If you are a provider from Ohio, Texas or Indiana you will have to do your NREMT submission manually.

CE Acceptance

In Ohio, the Firefighter CE is backed by Auburn Career Center, Charter number 302.

Depending on your state’s rules and requirements, all or some of our Fire CE can be accepted. In some states, like Ohio, if your chief accepts it, it is accepted. To see if our Fire CE is accepted in your state, or how it can be acceptable (chief approval), contact your state’s fire governing body. For states without firefighter CE requirements, any department can use the CE as part of its drill and training program. Fire training CE hours can be used to comply with or improve your department ISO rating.

The EMS CE are approved or accepted everywhere. In Ohio and Indiana this is by virtue of a contractual agreement with Ohio Approved CE Site number 2462 In Texas, we are approved Texas DHSH continuing education site number 600788. For all other states, We are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education known as CAPCE for short and formerly known as CECBEMS. In general, CAPCE is accepted in all states and NREMT. 

There are some specific rules in some states. As rules frequently change and do so without notice, it is always best to check with your governing agency as your license is a contract between you and your governing agency. If you have acceptance questions please click on "contact us" and ask. We will be happy to assist you.

If the EMS CE is accepted in your state of licensure it is accepted by NREMT. Generally, CAPCE accreditation is accepted everywhere however there are some restrictions. Also. rules do change so we suggest you communicate with your state governing body if there is any doubt.

At our courses can be accessed by all level providers. We have a lead paramedic instructor and a lead EMT instructor co-writing our EMS courses and they are approved by our medical director. Whether you are a paramedic, advanced EMT, EMT or EMR we have courses you need for your re certification which are approved, accepted and accredited by CAPCE.

Yes. All of the online EMS continuing education courses taken in CAPCE accounts get reported to CAPCE. CAPCE in turn, reports the records to the National Registry almost immediately. 

We do not report class completions for Ohio, Texas and Indiana customers that don't use CAPCE. If you are a provider from Ohio, Texas or Indiana you will have to do your NREMT submission manually.

New Jersey EMTs are an interesting issue. New Jersey requires a NJ "course number" for each course. is not currently set up to provide course numbers. We should be able to apply for course numbers in the future. In the mean time, EMTs in New Jersey can certainly keep up their NREMT certification using New Jersey Paramedics need approval from their employer so as long as they approve us, NJ paramedics can use us for their state recertification.
The short answer is that while we do have courses that cover dementia, the language in R.C. 4765.162 specifically states it has to be the course that is developed by the EMFTS Board, in consultation with the departments of aging and job and family services. The course needs to be taken on the Ohio Public Safety Training site.

Course History

Don't worry, everything is fine. Today is not over yet. The system will populate the courses you have done today if you select "tomorrow" as your end date in the date range.
We do vary our course offerings from time to time. Courses and the course library need to be reviewed and revised. A course may be revised, replaced or removed altogether. If you have taken the course and are looking for the records, don't worry. If we deactivate a course for any reason, the records are intact.

Department or Group Registration

Thank you for your interest in opening a group account for EMS and fire online continuing education. The next step is simply to download our blank spreadsheet and enter the information applicable to your group. The spreadsheets and other information can be found on our Department Registration web page.

We do offer large department or agency discounts. We also offer similar discounts for multiple departments signing up through their region or a hospital med command.

Contact us for further information on our discounts.


We do have a discount available for large groups. Contact us to determine if your agency qualifies.

For individuals, as soon as payment is confirmed by our servers you simply log in and access is virtually immediate. Please allow up to a few minutes for the servers to communicate payment information.

In the case of the Texas Jurisprudence course and firefighter injury course, that registration is not automated. Typically the registration is completed within a few hours or no later than the next business day. You will receive an email when registration for those specific courses has been completed. Please remember to check your spam or junk folders.

In general, yes, we CAN offer live online F5 EMS con ed courses that are accredited by CAPCE. However NREMT no longer requires live CE so we do not have a schedule of VILT classes.

Please see our courses tab, and click on EMS CAPCE F5. If you have specific needs or questions click on contact us.

The legal name for our company as registered in the state of Ohio is LLC. The "CSU" portion stands for "Certification Solutions Unlimited".

No. We do not collect or save your information so renewal is not automatic. 

When your account is 45 days from its expiration, there will be a renewal button displayed on your account once logged in. To renew, simply click that button, update any information requested and submit. You will be directed to the secure payment area.

Of course to reduce renewals, you can select a 2 or 3 year subscription.

Our courses will allow you to pick up where you left off, and also go backward to review slides you have already viewed. 

Yes we do offer courses that can fit in the cardiology category. We offer the NCCP Cardiac Arrest - Adult and Cardiac Arrest - Pediatric as part of the NCCP National Curriculum for all provider levels. We also offer Acute Coronary Syndrome - ACS, Congestive Heart Failure, Post Resuscitation Care, Ventricular Assist Devices and more.

An F3 class is "distributive education" where there is a video, streaming presentation or written article you review on your own time and take an exam.

F1, F2 are live classes in a classroom or auditorium venue.

F5 are virtual instructor-led training. also known as VILT. This can take place in a webinar environment where there is a live instructor in real time leading the training. There must be a post test with this type of live training.

F5 training is no longer mandated by the NREMT. You can do all your CE with distributive education, F3.

At, we want you to be happy with your purchase. We recommend you look at our site before you buy. Our site is educational intellectual property and that is what we sell.

If you have accessed any of the material, we can not offer a refund. If you registered and paid but have not accessed anything we may issue a refund minus a clerical fee between ten and fifteen dollars. It is our hope that when you buy with us, you intend to use our valuable service.

Yes we do. We provide two CE for fire investigators that can be approved by your department once you take them. They tally into your firefighter CE totals in your transcripts. We list them on this page.
We do, yes. We cover all of the national curriculum at all levels. There are plenty of other courses to make up the remaining CE needed. Check with your state to see if there is any mandates as 'state and local curriculum" is also part of the NCCP. We certainly have the electives covered!

For individual customers, no, we cannot reopen the locked course. We display the number of attempts that are remaining on your last status indicator. Per our accrediting bodies, we cannot allow unreasonable limits in test taking because they feel students may not prepare properly if they can continue to challenge an exam once they fail it once. If you fail an exam, please prepare adequately prior to another attempt. As an individual customer, if you need that specific class, an option is to purchase another account.

As for our group customers that have administrators, we can open an exam by request of the department's recognized administrator, usually a chief or training officer. We can open it when there is assurances the student has prepared adequately. Only then will we open for a final attempt.

The state certification number field will accept any characters, there are no restrictions. When you tab into or enter the form field a red dialog box displays letting you know the field is for the state alpha numeric certification number. This red box was added because many members were simply typing in the name of their state or their state's abbreviation. We need the certification number.

If your browser settings are preventing the registration please try another device or browser, or contact us and we can assist.

The short answer is yes, with our group training award application which is very simple to use. All you need to do is watch a presentation or review an article as a group, select the course in your administration account, identify attendees and click "award credit". The credit goes on the students history for printing an appropriate completion certificate as well as the students transcripts also available to the administrator(s).

It must be borne in mind that this is for fire and fire related CE as by rule, the fire chief approves the CE. There is no such rule for EMS credit and must be earned individually.

We use a gated system where you can not take an exam until the materials are sufficiently renewed which is the rule for all online CE companies. In that way, you are limited. However, some states have limits on how many hours can be earned in one day. You need to know if your licensing agency has rules limiting your participation in training per day and comply with the rule. Generally a quick call to your governing agency will get you that answer.


Some courses are listed and available in more than one category. An example is our course "Fire Command - 25 Common Terms". The words fire command are in the course title and therefore is available in our "Officer" category. It is also available in the firefighter category since knowing and understanding fire ground terminology is for everyone. In the officer category the course earns the student ISO T2 credit where in the officer category, they earn ISO T3 credit where applicable.

Log In

Usually this means you entered the information incorrectly. In the case of recovering a forgotten username you likely did not enter the email address used during your registration by either you or your department administrator. In the case of a password reset, an error message means you are entering your username incorrectly. You may have forgotten your username. Try to do a username recovery. If you use copy and paste to enter your information, it is possible to pick up an extra “space” which the system will recognize as a legitimate character. Be sure you are entering the information correctly.

If you have access issues not resolved after using all of the automated tools click on “contact us”, select the appropriate subject item and describe your issue.

To request a password reset, enter your username in the proper field and click on “forgot password”. A new password will be emailed to the email address that was supplied to us for your account by you or your group administrator. Be sure to check your junk/spam folders.

Forgot Password FAQ Answer

To recover a forgotten username, click on “forgot username” on the log in page. The server will ask for the email address we have for you in our system. The server will send your username to your email address. Be sure to check your junk/spam folders.

Forgot Username FAQ Answer image

No. Please do not register again. If your department purchased an account for you, the account exists. You can contact your administrator, or use the automated username recovery and password reset tools available on our log in screen(s). Remember, correspondence will be sent to the email address you were registered with. It may not be the email address you primarily use so check any email addresses associated with you and your agency. Also, please check your spam or junk folders. As a last resort you can contact us. Doing so may be the least desirable option as we may not get to your request until the next business day.

When you select a "state of certification" and a username on the registration webform, there is an ending to your username on the right side. What you select, and the text on the right make up your username. A unique ending for your username is necessary to make sure you get the online EMS continuing education categories and courses available for your state. It also provides access to the online firefighter and fire safety inspector continuing education available. You receive a registration confirmation email that has both the username you chase and the appropriate ending to the username. Please check your spam or junk folder. Please see below for an example of our webform.


When you register you are asked to select your "state of certification". If you select anything other than Ohio or Indiana, there is an ending assigned to your username of "". The username ending is used to channel you into the correct domain of available courses for your state. The username ending is visible in the registration form to the right of the username field. You also receive an email with your complete username. Sometimes our customers miss this username ending in both places. If this sounds like your issue, check your email including your spam, or simply add to the username you selected and try again.
When this happens it means that you think your password is what you typed in exactly. The system will only accept 12 characters for a password. If you watch the password field while typing you will see the field stop accepting characters. Some people look at the keyboard while typing and do not notice. Try typing in only the first 12 characters you think your password is. Other than that, click on "forgot password" and once you get the reset email and log in, simply select a password of between 6 and 12 characters and follow the other password rules.


We take credit cards through Accepted cards are Visa, Master Card and Discover.

We can also take credit cards over the phone or send an invoice that can be paid by credit card.

We can accept an eCheck transaction but those are subject to a hold of up to 7 business days for the payment to clear. 


Thank you for being our client and renewal is nice and easy. You can not renew unless you are logged in. Simply log in to your account and there will be a "renew" button to click on. On click, a webform will be displayed with most of your information already populated. Update any expiration dates and add payment information and submit when completed.

If you have forgotten your username or password please use our automated tools to recover a forgotten username or reset a forgotten password. Remember, correspondence will be sent to the email address you registered with when you signed up. It may be an email address you do not normally check. Also remember to check your spam or junk folders. Detailed instructions on this process are available in these FAQs.

As a last resort, you can click on contact us for assistance. Remember, it could be much faster to use the automated tools than contacting us as we may not act on email until the next business day.

To register as an individual, simply click in the upper right corner to register as an individual. The webform needs to be filled out including payment information. Once you submit it, you will receive a receipt and you will be able to get started immediately. Be sure to include your "billing address and zip code" in the payment section if it is different than your home address entered in the member information section.

Streaming Issues

Our presentations display and play on all devices and all browsers. There are however, some settings that may affect playback. In general, if you have a playback issue it is related to your individual settings. If you use a different browser you should certainly achieve success. If you are using a device that is connected to a group network, such as at your fire station or EMS base and are having any issues, please see your network's administrator. They may have some restrictions on the content you see.

One issue unique to iPad or iPhone is when the education is a multi page pdf document, the pdf opens in "preview" mode. The device only displays the first page. You need an app that will open pdf documents on your device such as the adobe reader app. The pdfs need to be opened in there when this ocurrs.

The web application we use is optimized for all devices and all browsers. Having said that, sometimes older versions of an operating system or its specific settings may create issues. Be sure to update your operating system and the browser you use if you are having trouble. Older versions of your operating system may stop working appropriately as our software updates. For example, if you are using IOS 13 or safari 13, its time to update as the web application is no longer working to support those assets.

Also, if you are on a shared wifi your device might not be the priority device which may slow down what you are streaming. There may be momentary interruptions in your wifi and since wifi is invisible, you wont know. 

Keeping everything up to date and being aware that your network is working should eliminate any streaming issues. We do not throttle our presentations so even in periods of high use, no one experiences a slowdown.

Our presentations are designed to only play when they are the active window on your device. You may notice this if you are listening to the lecture and leave that window for example, to go to your email screen. This pauses the lecture very noticeably. When a video is playing from another source such as Youtube and you leave the educational window for any reason, the video still plays but credit for that slide is paused. If the video is 5 minutes in length, the education window MUST be the active window for 5 minutes. So if you are on the video slide and go check your email, it pauses slide credit, even if the video plays through. If this happens, you will have to return to the education window and wait the appropriate amount of time to receive credit for that slide and it will automatically advance.

Taking Exam

Yes, you can take an exam up to three times before being locked out until your renewal The message that appears is designed to let you know there are three attempts maximum. If a summative exam attempt resulted in a failure, the educational materials should be reviewed again and appropriate notes taken.

This policy endeavors to insure program integrity and reduce the possibility of multiple exam attempts with less than adequate materials review. The policy is in compliance with our accrediting and approving entities.

three exam attempts maximum

Simply "x" off the window that the educational piece(s) were in and scroll down on the course overview page. You will see a link for "take exam". Simply click that link and exam and post course evaluation survey will reveal. See the image map below. 

image map for guidance on taking exam

There is nothing wrong. Many of our courses contain written documents, charts and articles. These documents are mandatory viewing. Each one carries a time frame which is indicated on the course overview screen. You must display the documents one at a time as the active window on your device screen for the amount of time listed. You may indeed read faster than that, but the time parameter meets CAPCE written document standards.

Once you have appropriately accessed and displayed each piece, the exam will be available.

That is a fair question but it is not something we can do. The rules of our approval and accreditation are very strict on test security. We are not permitted to publish specific correct or incorrect answer information on an exam that is live in our system.

Texas Administrator of Record

We are in contact with DSHS as this is being written. Our intention is to offer six administrative or operations course modules and a randomized final exam. DSHS is reviewing our course now.
Yes. We offer a multiple module online continuing education course that get AOR credit for 8 CE. The CE satisfies the DSHS AOR CE requirements. We do not offer the initial AOR course, however.

Texas Jurisprudence

Yes, we do. We are Texas approved continuing education provider number 600788 and we do offer the Texas Jurisprudence examination. If you purchase a online con ed account using Texas as your certification state, the course is included in your $30 fee. The cost is $15.99 and it is a stand-alone course. Once registered, students can access written materials and lectures to adequately prepare for the exam. After you complete the course work, you can access our online exam. Once the exam is passed, you will be able to immediately download and or print your completion certificate. To register and pay for the Texas Jurisprudence exam click here.
In the webform you used for registration, there is language that explains the TX Jurisprudence course registration is not automated. Your registration is completed by our staff almost always 7 days per week during business hours with very few exceptions. You will receive an email at the email address you used during registration. Please check your spam. If you still can not find your registration details email after 24 hours, please contact us.

Texas Mandatory Firefighter Injury Continuing Education Course

In the webform you used for registration, there is language that explains this course registration is not automated. Your registration is completed by our staff almost always 7 days per week during business hours with very few exceptions. You will receive an email at the email address you used during registration. Please check your spam. If you still can not find your registration details email after 24 hours, please contact us.

Yes, we do. We are listed as such on the TCFP website CE resource page, and we do offer the course and exam. If you purchase a online con ed account using Texas as your certification state, the course is included in your $30 fee. The cost is $15.99 and it is a stand-alone course. Once registered, students can access written materials to adequately prepare for the exam. After you complete the course work, you can access our online exam. Once the exam is passed, you will be able to immediately download and or print your completion certificate. To register and pay for the mandatory Texas Firefighter Injury CE course and exam click here.

When you purchase the TX Firefighter Injury course, you can only take it one time. The course is a stand-alone course for $15.99.

You can however, purchase a new account for that stand-alone course. Just click here to create a new account.

Have a question? View our frequently asked questions or contact us for more information.

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