Our Business Model and Affordable Pricing
Click here to see our business model explained - Why we are so affordable compared to our competitors.
Fire Department, EMS Agency or other Group Pricing
For more information on group pricing and department registration, visit our department registration page. In general, the same per person fees apply as well as optional administration access. Administration access carries a one-time fee of $175. There is also an optional ISO reporting suite. You can email us, or find our phone number on the department registration page.
What Online EMS and Fire Service Continuing Education is Included
With our one price policy, EMS providers and firefighters in need of CE have access to firefighter, EMS, Fire Safety Inspector, HAZMAT, OSHA, fire and/or EMS Instructor and specialized related courses, all online, all the time. You will have complete access to more than 200 hours of educational credits, and YES, the $20.00 annual fee for Ohio and Indiana providers, $30.00 in the Texas Market and $35.00 annual fee in all other markets includes EVERYTHING. Department discounts may apply.
This pricing structure is applicable to individuals, agencies and Departments. In addition to our online education program, CSUtest.com also provides Departments and agencies with a group administrator function which allows access to student records, independent additional course creation, course assignment functions to students and more. The administrative package is provided for a onetime setup fee of $175, which also covers everything. See our administrator video tutorials here. For more information on this package please contact us.
Online EMS and Fire Continuing Education Course Summary
As a participant in the CSUtest.com online continuing educational program, access will include the subject areas listed below. We continually strive to deliver additional courses and update with the newest information those already provided.
- Ohio and Indiana - Emergency Medical Service EMS - all levels - Up to 99 CE available includes - Trauma Triage, Trauma, Geriatric, Cardiology, Pediatric and other topics and is provided by Ohio approved CE site no. 2462 – ResQEd for Ohio and Indiana providers. Also covers NREMT NCCP Refresher topics.
- Texas - Emergency Medical Service EMS - all levels - Up to 101.5 CE available - includes courses in all TX categories as well as NREMT NCCP national curriculum and electives. These EMS CE courses are provided by our Texas approved CE site no. 600788.
- CAPCE F3 Accredited Emergency Medical Service EMS - all levels - 63 courses totaling 57.25 CE available includes - triage, Hygiene, OB, cardiology, stroke, CHF, Ventricular Assist Device - VAD, opioid overdose, pediatric, Oxygenation, Capnography and other topics and the list continues to grow for all markets other than Ohio and Indiana providers. CAPCE accredited and approved provider number RECSU103.
- Texas EMS Jurisprudence - We offer this as a stand alone course worth 2.5 CE offered through out Texas Approved CE site #600788. The jurisprudence course is included at no charge for our Texas customers. Those needing the course for reciprocity in Texas are invited to purchase this individual course for just $15.99.
- Texas EMS Administrator of Record - We offer this as a stand alone course worth 8 CE offered through out Texas Approved CE site #600788. The AOR course is included at no charge for our Texas group customers. Those individual customers needing the course in Texas are invited to purchase this individual course for just $50.
- Texas Firefighter Injury CE - We offer this as a stand alone course worth 2 CE. The FF Injury course is included at no charge for our Texas customers.
- Firefighter - all levels - 73 CE available
- Fire Safety inspector - 32 CE available - will satisfy firefighter, fire safety inspector - at the chiefs discretion
- Fire and/or EMS Instructor - 7 CE available
- Hazardous Materials - Firefighter credits - 14 CE available
- Specialized Fire Related Classes - Firefighter CE Credits
- OSHA mandates - Firefighter CE Credits
- Confined Space/Technical Rescue - Firefighter CE Credits
For specific courses offered in each category, view our individual course pages. Remember, one price gives access to all categories and courses.